
This is my pet dog named Rupert. I remember ….

Rupert was a rescue dog from our local SPCA – and had been shipped from shelter to shelter for so many months, he never really lost his fear of chain-link fencing. I named him Rupert – because he looked so much like a bear! and because the name he’d been given, “Ripper,” was, I thought, an awful name – but it made sense after he ripped holes in everything he could get hold of! I was a travelling sales rep at the time, and he was by my side every day for 5 years. Rupert loved to sit close by and sort of lean on my leg. He was an amazing companion and I wish there were a way to send him my thanks. He filled a huge hole in my life and I think we rescued each other. I will always remember him.

Author: WebMaster

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